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Sikorsky S-97 Raider | Airframer | Boeing Defense, Space & Security

Mark Cherry, vice president and general manager, Boeing Vertical Lift; Ricky Freeman, president, Defense & Space at Honeywell Aerospace and Paul Lemmo, president of Sikorsky celebrate Honeywell’s selection as engine provider for Defiant X.

Defiant team selects Honeywell power for Army contender

The Defiant X flies twice as far and fast as the venerable Black Hawk helicopter it is designed to replace, and is currently undergoing testing in a digital combat environment. The Army's contract award is expected this year.

07/09/2021Press Release:
DEFIANT X is a helicopter that offers high-speed performance while retaining traditional helicopter agility and manoeuvrability. (Photo: Sikorsky and Boeing)
Sikorsky-Boeing delivers Future Long-Range Assault Aircraft proposal early to U.S. Army
23/07/2021Press Release:
SB>1 DEFIANT demonstrates its ability to simultaneously carry troops and sling-load cargo. (Photo: Sikorsky)
SB>1 DEFIANT flexes its muscle-lifting 5,300 pounds
15/04/2021Press Release:
Sikorsky and Boeing continue to advance DEFIANT X. (Photo: Sikorsky)
Sikorsky and Boeing statement on continuing to advance DEFIANT X in U.S. Army's uture Long Range Assault Aircraft program