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Ampaire Electric EEL | Airframer | Ampaire, Inc

12/12/2023Press Release:
Ampaire's hybrid electric demonstrator completes a record 12-hour flight
22/08/2023Press Release:
Ampaire’s hybrid-electric aircraft in Fairbanks, Alaska, on Aug. 13, 2023.
Hybrid-electric aircraft completes historic Alaska flight
24/08/2021Press Release:
Electric EEL with Ampaire Test Pilot Elliot Seguin who flew the aircraft 418 miles from Perth, Scotland to Exeter - a record for hybrid electric flight. (Photo: Ampaire)
Ampaire brings hybrid electric flight to South West England
12/08/2021Press Release:
Ampaire demonstrates first hybrid electric aircraft in Scotland
18/03/2021Press Release:
Ampaire’s six-seat Electric EEL aircraft will be used to demonstrate the feasibility of electric flight as part of the 2ZERO (Towards Zero Emissions in Regional Aircraft Operations) programme. (Photo: Ampaire)
Ampaire leads team to demonstrate electric aviation transport system under UK future flight challenge award

Showing the most recent five of 8 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.