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Leonardo AW09

27/02/2024Press Release:
The Leonardo AW09 final prototype takes flight!
17/03/2023Press Release:
Leonardo AW09 PS4 prototype performs first flight

Triumph develops rotor control cables for AW09

The contract includes the manufacturing of the Kopter AW09 main and tail rotor control cables utilising Triumph's flexball cables, designed to provide a low-maintenance solution..


Leonardo's AW09 is set to fly with Safran's Arriel 2K

The new propulsion system is already installed on the latest AW09 prototype, PS4 (Pre Series 4), which is about to start flight test activities at Kopter’s facility in Mollis.

21/04/2021Press Release:
The SH09 is rebranded as AW09, part of Leonardo’s helicopter portfolio. (Photo: Kopter Group)
Leonardo welcomes Kopter's SH09 into its helicopter portfolio as the AW09

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