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Kamov Ka-60

The Ka-62 is up to 60% polymer composites to enable lower fuel consumption, higher speed and load capacity.

Ka-62 helicopter picks up Russian certification

The fuselage of the first commercial Ka-62 has been assembled at Progress Arsenyev Aviation Company in the Far East, and next year full-scale commercial production of the helicopter will begin.

02/06/2021Press Release:
The Ka-62 can be used in passenger, cargo-passenger and cargo versions, carrying up to 15 passengers or 2 tons of cargo in the cabin, or 2.5 tons on an external sling. (Photo: Russian Helicopters)
Novikombank arranges financing for serial production of Ka-62 for 10 billion rubles
25/05/2021Press Release:
The initial design of the new VK-1600V engine for Ka-62 helicopters presented in 2020. (Photo: UEC-Klimov)
VK-1600V fully designed in 3D
21/05/2021Press Release:
The Center for Additive Technologies will additively manufacture engine components for the VK-1600V engine for the Ka-62 helicopter. (Photo: Center for Additive Technologies)
Rostec will "grow" parts for the Ka-62 engine
13/11/2020Press Release:
The work of the prototype commission on the new VK-1600V engine has been completed

Showing the most recent five of 15 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.