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Cessna SkyCourier 408

07/02/2023Press Release:
Textron Aviation adds to growing list of options for Cessna SkyCourier with introduction of new gravel kit
04/04/2022Press Release:
Textron Aviation upgrades its new production piston aircraft. (Photo: Textron)
Textron Aviation brings new upgrades to iconic piston product lineup
14/03/2022Press Release:
The next big thing in flight has arrived – Cessna SkyCourier twin utility turboprop earns FAA type certification
The Cessna SkyCourier has rolled out of the Textron Aviation manufacturing facility in Wichita.

Textron rolls out first production SkyCourier

Production of the SkyCourier incorporates monolithic machining throughout the airframe. With this technique, major assemblies are milled from a single piece of metal rather than assembled from smaller pieces.

25/03/2021Press Release:
The Cessna SkyCourier begins certification flight tests. (Photo: Textron Aviation)
Momentum builds for Cessna SkyCourier program as certification flight test beings

Showing the most recent five of 18 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.