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Electric Aviation Group H2ERA

28/03/2022Press Release:
The Electric Aviation Group has signed a 'Term Sheet' in principle with Spirit AeroSystems (Europe) Limited (UK) to collaborate on the development of technologies to support zero-emission flight
SMS Fuel Systems Ltd. will develop Smart Megawatt Scale (SMS) fuel cell stack systems for large aircraft applications.

Megawatt stack dream team focuses on hydrogen

EAG hopes its aircraft and the enabling technologies will become a blueprint for future larger and smaller green aircraft. It could be the foundation to secure a leading share in the sustainable mass air transportation market.

22/12/2021Press Release:
H2ERA  is a zero carbon and NOx emissions, 90-seater hydrogen hybrid-electric regional aircraft. (Photo: Electric Aviation Group)
Electric Aviation Group and University of Nottingham partner on electric propulsion systems
The H2ERA aircraft is reported to be on track to launch in 2030.

EAG draws on certification experts for the H2ERA

Atkins' Aerospace team will provide EAG with multi-layered strategic business and technical support as it commercialises its unique hybrid hydrogen-electric technology.


EAG presents 70-seat hybrid aircraft plans

A UK engineering firm has revealed plans for a 70-seat hybrid aircraft, with airborne battery regeneration, gear-assisted take-off run and short take-off performance. The in-service target is 2028.