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Elbit Hermes 450/650 Spark

The Hermes 650 Spark is the latest addition to the highly acclaimed Hermes family.

Elbit's latest Hermes UAS adds range and payload

The Hermes 650 Spark is the latest addition to the highly acclaimed Hermes family, and expands the operational flight envelope with next-generation multi-mission capability, versatility and survivability.

29/06/2011Press Release:
Selex Galileo's Gabbiano radars selected for Elbit Systems' UAS
15/09/2010Press Release:
Elbit Systems and Sagem to establish a joint venture for tactical UAS
16/04/2010Press Release:
WATCHKEEPER makes first UK flight
24/03/2010Press Release:
ACG prepregs keep Watchkeeper 450 UAV flying high

Showing the most recent five of 9 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.