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Newest Murphy aircraft to be unveiled at Oshkosh, 2007
Wednesday, 30 May 2007

The Murphy Yukon, developed by Darryl Murphy and Richard Hiscocks, is the original concept design behind two of Murphy Aircraft's very popular high-wing tail-draggers – The Super Rebel and the Moose.

"We started this aircraft 10 years ago, but it grew into something else", said Darryl Murphy, referring to the imposing Murphy Moose, as he and his team worked towards the unveiling of the much-anticipated Yukon slated for July at the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Air Show. "This is an aircraft that will allow families and friends to leave for weekend fishing or camping expeditions – an 'SUV of the skies,' if you will."

Uncompromising all-metal construction, impressive rough-field suspension and peerless flying performance are just a few of the qualities that will define the Yukon as one of the most-versatile homebuilt aircraft on the market today.

"We are very proud of the Yukon, not just for its capabilities and performance, but for the opportunity it will provide average people to fly themselves, friends or family to just about anywhere" says Joel Landry, Sales and Marketing Manager at Murphy Aircraft. "Lighter wing-loading gives the Yukon unprecedented handling characteristics as well as very impressive STOL characteristics".

The Yukon has the same seats, cabin length, width and fuselage size as the Moose, yet it burns about half the fuel of the radial-powered version. The recommended 180 horsepower Lycoming O-360 or equivalent will give the Yukon plenty of power. It will fill the bill for pilots who need room for 4, lots of cargo space, rugged construction and 4-cylinder economy: This 2550 lb gross aircraft has an 1150 lb payload! For those looking for even more speed, the Yukon 390X will use the 210 screaming horses of Lycoming's new IO-390X.

Murphy Aircraft understands the need to accommodate modern pilot preferences too, so the Yukon will be able to please pavement flyers: It will be available in either tricycle or conventional gear configuration. Kits can be purchased in the usual sub-kits for tail, fuselage, wings and power.

Contact details from our directory:
Murphy Aircraft Manufacturing Ltd. Airframer
Lycoming Engines Aircraft Engine Ignition Systems, Piston Engines, Engine Parts
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Murphy Yukon
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