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LAPAN and PTDI develop amphibious N219 aircraft
Tuesday, 18 February 2020

The Ministry of PPN / Bappenas is collaborating with a number of science and technology institutions such as the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (LAPAN) and PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) or PTDI to try to develop the amphibious version of the N219 aircraft. The move is an effort to build the independence of the aviation industry.

Variants of amphibian N219 aircraft were developed to meet national needs, both for outermost areas which are islands, areas that have maritime tourism potential, or in rivers and lakes that are relatively difficult to construct airfields. This is useful to increase connectivity and improve the economic wheels in the region.

Later, the N219 aircraft will be designed as an N219 amphibious aircraft that can land on land and in waters (sea or river). Amphibian version of N219 can facilitate transportation access and reach areas that are currently constrained by air infrastructure.

"One of the things done by Bappenas is to encourage research cooperation between R&D and related industries through the National Research flagship. The aim of this collaboration is to produce research effectiveness and innovation products that meet the needs of the wider community, "said the Director of Higher Education, Science and Technology, and Culture of Bappenas, Hadiat in his written statement on Monday.

In addition, Bappenas also facilitates research institutions and corporations in developing environmentally friendly vehicle products such as electric motorbikes. "The products that will try to be produced within the next 1-2 years are Amphibious N219 Airplanes and GESITS electric motorcycles," said Hadiat . GESITS is the first electric motor made in Indonesia. This GESITS product is a research collaboration between a number of universities, R&D and industry in Indonesia. "This motorcycle will be very useful for the community. Because, this motorcycle uses electricity as its main driving source and no longer uses fuel oil, "said Hadiat.

Contact details from our directory:
PT Dirgantara Indonesia - Indonesian Aerospace Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Indonesian Aerospace N219