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Hyundai Motor Group's Supernal and Honeywell announce Advanced Air Mobility avionics collaboration
Monday, 17 October 2022

Supernal and Honeywell today announced an agreement to explore the integration of the Honeywell Anthem integrated flight deck into Supernal's eVTOL vehicle. Unveiled last year, Honeywell Anthem draws on the company's deep aerospace experience and marks the first cloud-connected cockpit system that can be customized for virtually every type of aircraft, including the rapidly emerging Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) segment.

As part of Hyundai Motor Group (the Group), Supernal is working with the Group's more than 50 affiliates and external partners like Honeywell to develop its eVTOL vehicle for commercial use starting in 2028. Supernal is also co-creating the surrounding AAM value chain to help the industry scale in the coming decades.

“Supernal is combining automotive's high-rate manufacturing capabilities and aerospace's high certification standards to build the foundation for everyday air vehicle transportation,” said Ben Diachun, chief technology officer, Supernal. “We are pleased to work with aerospace leader Honeywell to mature Advanced Air Mobility avionics systems and certify our eVTOL vehicle to the highest commercial aviation safety standards.”

The Honeywell Anthem avionics solution was designed with connectivity and autonomy as core tenets. It will help Supernal and the AAM industry improve connectivity across the range of complex vehicle technology systems and build a foundation for increasing levels of autonomy in the future, as regulations allow.

"Honeywell Anthem will change the way aircraft are piloted, and we believe that Supernal's aircraft will be a shining example of how aviation will evolve to be smarter and more sustainable," said Stéphane Fymat, vice president and general manager, Urban Air Mobility and Unmanned Aerial Systems, Honeywell Aerospace. "Honeywell has a wide variety of ready-now solutions to help create a more sustainable future for the aviation sector, and we're proud to be on this journey with Supernal.”

Contact details from our directory:
Honeywell Unmanned Aerial Systems and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Certification Services, Fly-by-Wire Systems, Collision Avoidance Systems/TCAS, Engine Heat Exchangers, Electric Drives, Avionics Controls, Autopilots, Electric Motors, Airborne Communication Systems, Cooling Systems, Automatic Flight Control Systems, Electronic Flight Instrument Systems, Electric Power Controllers, Electromechanical Actuators, Airborne Electrical Power Supplies, Flight Directors, Pressure Altimeters, Avionics Management Systems
Hyundai WIA Rotor Hub Assemblies, Pilot Seats, Helicopter Landing Gear, Aircraft Landing Gear
Supernal, LLC Airframer, Research/Consulting Services, Design Services
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