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PCB's newest miniature cryogenic ICP® accelerometer can withstand temperatures down to -420°F (-251°C)
Tuesday, 29 August 2023

PCB Piezotronics (PCB®) is introducing our newest model 351A15 miniature cryogenic quartz shear ICP® accelerometer. It is the new flagship model in the 351 family of cryogenic accelerometers.

Model 351A15 features:

3rd party thermal testing to -420°F (-251°C)

Wide frequency range from 0.35 Hz to 20,000 Hz

High resonant frequency of 40,000 Hz

High amplitude range of 1,000 g

Small size, 0.77 in x 0.28 in hex (19.6 mm x 7.2 mm) and low weight, 0.07 oz (2 gm).

The cold side operating temperature of the model is -320°F (-196°C). It can be exposed to much lower temperatures to -420°F (-251°C), indicated as a storage temperature specification. To survive at these lower temperatures, specially selected amplifier components are used along with each unit being hermetically sealed and individually tested for thermal coefficient of sensitivity at room temperature and -320°F (-196°C).

The 351A15 single axis accelerometer can be used in a wide variety of test applications but is primarily used for validation testing of cryogenic gas storage vessels and distribution piping. It is an excellent choice for rocket motor validation testing (cryogenic pumps), cryogenic fuel system testing, and validation testing of industrial gas compressors / pump system for cryogenic gasses.

Contact details from our directory:
PCB Piezotronics Inc Inspection Test Accelerometers, Sensors/Transducers, Test Equipment, Calibration Equipment & Services, Microphones, Vibration Analysis, Acoustic Test Equipment, Laser Welding
Related directory sectors:
Sensors, Transducers & Detectors