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Russian-powered MC-21 arrives at Zhukovsky test centre
Thursday, 8 July 2021
The MC-21-310 aircraft made its first flight in December 2020. The public premiere of the type is planned for the Moscow international aviation and space salon MAKS-2021.

MC-21-310 flight-test aircraft has arrived in Zhukovsky from Ulyanovsk after being painted at Spektr-Avia.

The aircraft was operated by the crew of 1st class test pilot Vasily Sevastyanov, 1st class test pilot Andrey Voropayev and flight test engineer Anton Kuznetsov.

According to Vasily Sevastyanov, the aircraft equipped with new Russian PD-14 engines performed well in flights from Irkutsk to Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk to Zhukovsky.

MC-21-310 aircraft will continue the flight test program at the airfield which is home to the Gromov Flight Research Institute.

The MC-21-310 aircraft (tail number 73055) made its maiden flight in December 2020. It is planned to hold the public premiere of the type at the Moscow international aviation and space salon MAKS-2021.

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