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Hafei Z-9

Lift typeRotary wing
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typePiloted
Engine typeTurboshaft
ApplicationMilitary Transport, Search & Rescue, Surveillance, Utility
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Light twin turboshaft utility helicopter. Licence built AS365N using largely locally produced sub-assemblies. Includes Avicopter AC312. Variant Z-19 an adaptation for combat roles.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Hafei Z-9A 1980 / 1981 Licensed version of AS365 Dauphin.
Hafei Z-9W 1987 / 1989 Upgraded armed variant with modified nose and uprated engines. Includes Z-9WZ armed reconnaissance variant, with reduced cabin doors and redesigned weapon pylons.
Hafei Z-9C 2008 / 2010 Naval version, design equivilant to AS565 Panther.
Harbin Z-19 2012 / 2010 Specialised combat variant, includes Z-19E export variant.
Avicopter AC312C 2013 / Based on Dauphin helicopters, light utility twin-engine helicopter with updated cabin and fuselage.

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Airframe Systems / Environmental Systems

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Airframe Systems / Safety & Security Systems

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Avionics / Flight and Data Management

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Avionics / Imaging and Visual Systems

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Avionics / Indicators and Instruments

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Avionics / Navigation Aids (Airborne)

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Avionics / Warning Systems

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Power Systems / Engines

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Power Systems / Fuel Systems

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Power Systems / Rotors & Propellers

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