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Rotor R550

Lift typeRotary wing
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typeAutonomous
Engine typePiston
ApplicationAgricultural, Cargo, Search & Rescue
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Autonomous long-range vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft. Uncrewed helicopter based on the Robinson R44 Raven II. Equipped to lift heavy loads up to 1,212 lbs (550 kg) in all weather conditions. Flight time of over 3 hours and top speed of 150 mph.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Rotor R220Y / 2022 Uncrewed helicopter based on the Robinson R22. Used to develop and demonstrate core autonomous flight technologies that will be used on the R550X.
Rotor R550X 2024 / Utility UAV based on Robinson R44, also known as Rotor Airtruck, includes agricultural Sprayhawk variant.

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