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Cirrus Vision SF50

This page lists recent changes to Airframer's data relating to this aircraft program.

24/12/2024Garmin International (link to Flight and Data Management: Cirrus Perspective integrated avionics system; Perspective Touch+ with Autoland (Vision Jet G2); Perspective Touch+ with Safe Return Emergency Autoland; Auto Radar with Cirrus IQ (Vision Jet G2))
24/12/2024Cirrus Aircraft (link to Safety & Security Systems: CAPS (Cirrus Airframe Parachute System))
23/12/2024Cirrus celebrates 600 Vision Jet deliveries (press release)
08/11/2024Garmin International (linked to Engine Components)
08/11/2024Garmin International (linked to Imaging and Visual Systems: GWX 70 weather radar)
08/11/2024Lexavia Integrated Systems (linked to Imaging and Visual Systems: Optional enhanced vision systems)
08/11/2024Williams International Co., LLC (link to Engines)
08/11/2024Garmin International (link to Indicators and Instruments: G3000 integrated flight deck with GDU 1400 MFD/PFD)
08/11/2024Garmin International (link to Communications (Airborne): XM radio (audio and datalink weather), Mode S transponder)
08/11/2024Gogo Business Aviation (link to Communications (Airborne): AVANCE L3 system (option) (Vision Jet G2+))
30/10/2024Lee Aerospace, Inc (linked to Windows & Glass: CoolView windows (Vision Jet))

Information on this page is compiled from a variety of sources, and links do not necessarily imply recommendation or confirmation by the airframe manufacturer.