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Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. - Aircraft

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Aircraft currently in production/development

IAI Heron Twin boom single piston pusher reconnaissance UAV. Also produced by EADS as Harfang (formerly Eagle System I). Includes Heron TP (Eitan) turboprop version, which is also manufactured in Brazil by Avionics Services as the Caçador. Also the IAI Long-Range Long-Endurance (MALE) Heron TP-XP and Heron MK II variants.
IAI Multiflyer UAV squadron of small unmanned helicopters for non-military tasks
IAI Searcher III Reconnaissance UAV.

News and press releases

09/01/2025NEWS: Aerolloy strengthens capabilities with VAR furnace and major contracts
15/05/2024Press Release: The Heron TP has made its maiden flight over Germany
09/08/2023NEWS: IAI selects health monitoring for UH60
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Related companies

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) North America - U.S.A. ●●●●●●●●●●
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