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National Centre for Helicopter Engineering, MIL (was MIL Moscow Helicopter)

Contact Details

AddressSokolnichesky Val, 2A, 107113 Moscow, Russia
Telephone+7 495 264 90 83

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Aircraft currently in production/development

MIL Mi-17/171 Twin turboshaft medium transport helicopter. Includes Mi-171Sh-VN military transport, Mi-171A2 and Mi-171A3 variants. Also known as Mi-8 in RFAS military service and includes the variants Mi-8MT, Mi-8MTV-1 and Mi-8AMTSh-VN.
MIL Mi-26 Twin turboshaft heavy lift helicopter.
MIL Mi-28 Twin turboshaft attack helicopter. Includes the military variant Mi-28N and export variant Mi-28NE.
MIL Mi-35M Attack helicopter. Includes the variant Mi-35P. Domestic versions known as Mi-24M and Mi-24P.

News and press releases

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Parent company Russian Helicopters, JSC - Russia

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