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AeroVironment, Inc.

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Flight and Data Management ●●●●●●●●●●
Mechanical Components ●●●●●●●●●●

Aircraft currently in production/development

AeroVironment JUMP 20 Fixed wing UAV capable of vertical takeoff and landing. Includes the variant Jump 15. Previously Arcturus Jump 20.
AeroVironment Quantix Recon Fully automated, hybrid, vertical take-off and landing UAV for reconnaisance missions
AeroVironment RQ-20 Puma Electrical powered, all environment UAS. Includes variants Puma 3 AE (All Environment conditions) and Puma LE (Long Endurance).
AeroVironment VAPOR Helicopter UAS All electric unmanned VTOL aircraft systems. Includes both variants VAPOR 55 and VAPOR 35.
HAPSMobile Sunglider Solar HAPS (High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellite) designed to deliver telecommunications network and other types of connectivity from the sky to the ground. Propelled by 10 electric motors powered by solar panels covering the surface of the wing.

Client aircraft programs

AeroVironment RQ-20 Puma ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●● Why is this obscured?


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Subsidiaries ●●●●●●●●●●

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Stock exchange listings

XLON - London Stock ExchangeAeroVironment Inc. - 0HAL
XNAS - NASDAQAeroVironment Inc. - AVAV
XNYS - New York Stock ExchangeAeroVironment Inc. - AVAV
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeAeroVironment - JPX
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeAerovironment Inc. - JPX
XDUS - Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeAeroVironment Inc. - A0MJX7
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeAerovironment - A0MJX7
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeAeroVironment Inc. - JPX