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DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Contact Details

Address675 North Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22203-1714, U.S.A.
Telephone+1 703 526 6630

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Aircraft currently in production/development

DARPA Liberty Lifter Heavy-lift seaplane that operates efficiently in ground effect, for delivering cargo (in development).

Client aircraft programs

Aurora Flight Sciences SPRINT X-Plane Analysis Technical/Eng/Scientific Studies:
Northrop Grumman ANCILLARY Analysis Research/Consulting Services:
Piasecki ARES Analysis Research/Consulting Services:

News and press releases

28/08/2024NEWS: Northrop Grumman demonstrates ultra-wideband multifunction sensor
10/07/2024Press Release: Northrop Grumman builds next-generation hybrid electric uncrewed X-plane for DARPA
26/06/2024NEWS: DARPA dubs its newest X-plane XRQ-73
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