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Emitech Group

Emitech Group: Expertise in Testing, Engineering, and Test Bench Manufacturing.

Emitech Group is a leading provider of testing, engineering, and test bench manufacturing solutions. We offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to the needs of aeronautics stakeholders, ensuring compliance, performance, and innovation.

As a notified body for drone certification, we play a key role in validating the safety and regulatory compliance of unmanned aerial systems.

Founded in 1989, Emitech has remained an independent group, growing steadily to become a major player in its field. Today, we employ more than 700 experts and operate 19 laboratories, delivering cutting-edge testing and engineering services to industries worldwide.

Contact Details

Address3 Rue des Coudriers - CAP 78, ZA de l'Observatoire, F-78180 Montigny le Bretonneux, France
Telephone+33 6 19 25 15 90
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