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Crisalion Mobility Integrity

Lift typeAutogyro
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typeAutonomous
Engine typeElectric
ApplicationCargo, Experimental, Urban air mobility
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Short-to-medium range manned electrical vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL) for the transportation of passengers and cargo in urban and interurban missions. Up to two people, with 4 sets of propellers powered by electric motors. Developed with the exclusive FlyFree technology.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Crisalion Mobility Integrity / Two-passenger eVTOL.

Recent news

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See recent updates (latest 05/12/2024)


TecnaliaNewsDesign and prototype. Sold design to UMILES in 2021
Crisalion MobilityNewsAcquired deisgn from Tecnalia

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