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Crisalion Mobility Integrity

Crisalion says it is pioneering innovative mobility technologies that will redefine the future of transportation.

Crisalion chooses IFS Cloud management software for AAM project

The IFS Cloud platform, with aerospace-specific capabilities, will help Crisalion build, operate and maintain its eVTOL aircraft and vehicle fleets now and into the future.

26/07/2024Press Release:
(Left to right: Isidoro Ruiz Aguaded, Business Operations Director & Partner of Dovetail Electric
Aviation; David Doral, CEO of Dovetail Electric Aviation; Manuel Heredia Ortiz, Managing Director of
Crisalion Mobility; Oscar Lara, Chief Operating Officer of Crisalion Mobility; Gustavo Rodriguez, Chief
Technology Officer of Crisalion Mobility)
Dovetail Electric Aviation and Crisalion Mobility collaborate on battery systems for eVTOL airframes
25/10/2023Press Release:
UMILES Next becomes Crisalion Mobility
26/10/2022Press Release:
UMILES Next and TECNALIA take to the skies again completing successfully its second test flight on the eVTOL prototype Concept Integrity
28/09/2022Press Release:
UMILES Next's air taxi takes to the sky for the first time in Europe's urban airspace (U-space)

Showing the most recent five of 7 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.