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Pyka Pelican

Lift typeFixed wing
Construction typeFactory-built
Control typeAutonomous
Engine typeElectric
ApplicationAgricultural, Urban air mobility
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Autonomous electric airplane with short take off and landing capability and powered by swappable lithium batteries. Includes certified crop sprayer Pelican Spray, on which personal transport vehicle, P3 will be based.

Type variants

Variant Launch/First flight Production end  
Pyka Pelican Spray / Autonomous electric aircraft designed for complex agricultural operations on farms.
Pyka P3 / Electric nine-passenger aircraft.
Pyka Pelican Cargo 2023 / 2023 World's largest zero-emission cargo airplane with a range of up to 200 miles, payload of up to 400 pounds, includes Pyka/SNC RumRummer for US DoD customers.

Recent news

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