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Bombardier Inc.

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Aircraft currently in production/development

Bombardier Challenger 300 series Twin turbofan business jet. Includes 300, 350 and 3500.
Bombardier Challenger 650 Twin turbofan business jet.
Bombardier Global series Twin turbofan long range business jet. Includes Global 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500 and 8000 variants. Also, Saab GlobalEye and Swordfish based on Global 6000 and L3Harris' ARES ISR demonstrator hosted on the Bombardier Global 6000/6500.


Association memberships ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●
Subsidiaries ●●●●●●●●●●

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Related companies

Bombardier Aerospace, Queretaro Factory - Mexico ●●●●●●●●●●


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Stock exchange listings

XLON - London Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - 0QZP
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBD
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBDC
XTSE - Toronto Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBD.A
XTSE - Toronto Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBD.B
XTSE - Toronto Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBD.PR.B
XTSE - Toronto Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBD.PR.C
XTSE - Toronto Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBD.PR.D
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeBombardier - BBDC
XDUS - Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - A3DMJG
XHAN - Hannover Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - A3DMJG
XHAM - Hamburg Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - A3DMJG
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeBombardier - A3DMVH
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeBombardier - A3DMJG
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeBombardier Inc. - BBDC