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GE Aerospace Business & General Aviation Turboprops

Contact Details

AddressBeranovich 65 , CZ-19902 Praha 9 - Letnany, Czech Republic
Telephone+420 222 538 111

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Sectors Categories
Engines Turboprop Engines


GE Catalyst Turboprop Engines; Advanced turboprop engine, the first with 3D printed parts. Originally designated GE93. - Beechcraft Denali (GE Catalyst), XTI TriFan 600 (GE Catalyst)
M601/H80 Series Turboprop Engines; Family of turboprop engines, H series are updated versions of Walter M601 engines, includes H75 engines. - Baikal LMS-901 eSTOL (H80-200), CAIGA Leadair AG300 (H85), Diamond DART-550 (H75-100), Epic LT (M601), Lancair Propjet (M601E-11A), LET 410 NG (H85-200-BC04), LET 410 UVP-E20 (M601E/E-21/F or H80-200), NKF Technoavia SM-92T Turbo Finist (M601F), Orbis Avia SM-92TE Praga Alfa (Optional H75/H80), Privateer (M601), Thrush 510P (H80)

Client aircraft programs

Aeros Aeroscraft Analysis Turboprop Engines: M601 engines
Baikal LMS-901 eSTOL Analysis Turboprop Engines: (LMS-901 eSTOL - H80-200)
Beechcraft Denali Analysis Turboprop Engines: (Denali - GE Catalyst)
CAIGA Leadair AG300 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (Leadair AG300 - H85)
Diamond DART-450 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (DART-550 - H75-100)
Epic E1000 GX Analysis Turboprop Engines: (LT - M601)
Orbis Avia SM-92TE Praga Alfa Analysis Turboprop Engines: (SM-92TE Praga Alfa - Optional H75/H80; SM-92T Turbo Finist - M601F)
Privateer Analysis Turboprop Engines: (Privateer - M601)
RDD LX7 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (Propjet - M601E-11A)
Thrush 510P Analysis Turboprop Engines: (510P - H80)
XTI TriFan 600 Analysis Turboprop Engines: (TriFan 600 - GE Catalyst)

News and press releases

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Association memberships Association of the Aviation and Space Industry - Czech Republic
Parent company GE Aerospace Engines - U.S.A.

See an overview of the group of companies.

Related companies

GE Aerospace Engines Dayton - U.S.A. Engine Parts
GE Aerospace Engines, Mississauga - Canada Engine Parts, Turbine Engine Vanes
GE Bengaluru - India Research/Consulting Services, Piston Diesel Engines, Piston Engines, Rotary Engines, Scramjet Engines, Turbofan Engines, Turbojet Engines, Turboprop Engines, Turbopropfan Engines, Turboshaft Engines
Innoveering, LLC - U.S.A. Flight Testing


The compiled list of suppliers to this company is available only to paid subscribers.

Stock exchange listings

XAMS - EuronextGeneral Electric - GNE
XNYS - New York Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - GE
XLON - London Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Company - GEC
XSWX - SIX Swiss ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - GE
XWBO - Vienna Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - GE
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - GCP
BVMF - B3 S.A.General Electric Capital do Brasil Ltda. - GEOO34
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - GCP
XDUS - Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - A3CSML
XHAN - Hannover Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - A3CSML
XHAM - Hamburg Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - A3CSML
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric - A3CSML
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeGeneral Electric Co. - GCP