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Alcoa Aluminio SA

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Embraer E-Jet 170/190 series ●●●●●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●● Why is this obscured?

Stock exchange listings

XNYS - New York Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corporation - AA
XLON - London Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corp. - 0HCB
XWBO - Vienna Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corp. - ALCA
XFRA - Frankfurt Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corp. - 185
XBER - Berlin Stock ExchangeAlcoa Upstream Corp. - 185
XDUS - Düsseldorf Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corp. - A2ASZ7
XHAN - Hannover Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corp. - A2ASZ7
XHAM - Hamburg Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corp. - A2ASZ7
XMUN - Munich Stock ExchangeAlcoa-WI - A2ASZ7
XSTU - Stuttgart Stock ExchangeAlcoa Corp. - 185