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Leonardo (Alenia) C-27J Spartan | Airframer | Leonardo Aeronautics (Alenia)


Leonardo's morphing surface demonstrator makes first flight

The experimental data has potential for training artificial intelligence algorithms for maturing flight controls and future digital systems offering great reliability and incremental levels of autonomy, with reduced workload.

11/11/2020Press Release:
The C-27J Next Generation.
Leonardo: the successful C-27J Spartan sheds its skin to reach new performance heights
31/07/2015Press Release:
Finmeccanica-Alenia Aermacchi completes flight-tests of C-27J battlefield airlifter with new winglets
18/12/2012Press Release:
Final assembly of the first C-27J Spartan for the Royal Australian Air Force started
09/07/2012Press Release:
Alenia Aermacchi introduces the new MC-27J, multi-mission version of the Spartan

Showing the most recent five of 8 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.