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Tecnam P2012 Traveller | Airframer | Costruzioni Aeronautiche Tecnam S.p.A.

With the production aircraft already in the final stage of the assembly line, the P2012 STOL is ready for the first deliveries to customers filling an uncovered gap of the commercial aviation.

STOL variant P2012 achieves EASA certification

An 18 month certification campaign ensured impressive takeoff and landing performance, while still maintaining a 99% commonality of parts with the standard P2012 Traveller series aircraft.

18/10/2023Press Release:
The P2012 STOL is on track for final certification
The P2012.

Tecnam adds Continental engine option to P2012

Both engine options are rated for 375 HP, with the Continental coupled to a three blade MT-Prop propeller and the Lycoming coupled to a four blade prop.

Tecnam is ready to bring the P-Volt back into the type certification arena as soon as technology evolution allows.

Tecnam puts P-Volt on ice while battery technology catches up

Slow charge cycles and the possible limitation of the maximum charge level per cycle, mean that real storage capacity would fall, and only a few hundred flights would drive operators to replace the entire storage unit.

The STOL variant will move onto the certification phase in 2023.

Tecnam reveals plans for a STOL variant P2012

Following the successful completion of the preliminary P2012 STOL flight test campaign in early 2022, the aircraft has entered its final configuration moving on to the certification phase in 2023.

Showing the most recent five of 21 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.