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Embraer Praetor 500/600 | Airframer | Embraer-Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A.

19/09/2023Press Release:
Embraer and FlightSafety announce new Praetor full-flight simulator in Europe and open new location in the United States

Embraer expands job opportunities in Florida

Embraer's Melbourne campus serves as the company's headquarters for its Executive Jets unit. The 67-acre campus includes a 58,000 sq. ft. Global Customer Center and Engineering and Technology Center.

12/02/2021Press Release:
The Praetor 600 super-midsize business jet is granted a type certificate by Transport Canada Civil Aviation (TCCA). (Photo: Embraer)
Embraer Praetor 600 earns Canadian type certificate
07/07/2020Press Release:
Praetor 500 and Praetor 600 cabins will feature HEPA air filters as standard, an optional electric lavatory pocket door and are approved to use MicroShield360. (Photo: Embraer)
Embraer announces further enhancements to the unprecedented Praetor 500 and Praetor 600 cabins
30/09/2019Press Release:
The Praetor 500 receives EASA and FAA approval.
Embraer Praetor 500 receives EASA and FAA approval, achieving triple-certification and becoming the best midsize jet on the market

Showing the most recent five of 55 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.