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Kamov Ka-60 | Airframer | National Centre for Helicopter Engineering, Kamov

The Ka-62 is up to 60% polymer composites to enable lower fuel consumption, higher speed and load capacity.

Ka-62 helicopter picks up Russian certification

The fuselage of the first commercial Ka-62 has been assembled at Progress Arsenyev Aviation Company in the Far East, and next year full-scale commercial production of the helicopter will begin.

23/01/2020Press Release:
The Ka-62 multi-purpose helicopter has begun certification testing.
Helicopter Ka-62 began certification tests
06/09/2017Press Release:
Certification trials of helicopter K-62 to be commenced in 2018
25/05/2017Press Release:
Ka-62 makes its first flight
29/04/2016Press Release:
First prototype of the multirole Ka-62 helicopter takes to the air

Showing the most recent five of 7 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.