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Kamov Ka-226T | Airframer | National Centre for Helicopter Engineering, Kamov (was Kamov JSC)

08/11/2021Press Release:
The modernised Ka-226T light helicopter made its maiden flight at the Mil and Kamov flight test complex of the National Helicopter Engineering Centre. (Photo: Russian Helicopters)
Upgraded Ka-226T helicopter made its first flight
29/11/2017Press Release:
Ka-226T has become the world's first modular helicopter, completely created by using digital technologies
19/06/2017Press Release:
Joint Venture for the production of Ka-226T helicopters is registered in India
15/02/2017Press Release:
Kamov Ka-226T "Make In India" project; the JV documents have been completed, awaiting registration
21/05/2015Press Release:
Russian Helicopters announces new Ka-226T receives IAC AR certification

Showing the most recent five of 7 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.