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Pilatus PC-24 | Airframer | Pilatus Aircraft Ltd

Pilatus engineers carried out an extensive campaign of flight tests to expand the entire envelope for the higher design weights.

Latest PC-24 offers more range and payload

The Payload Range Increase Program focused on increasing the payload capacity and range, while retaining the PC-24's aerodynamic characteristics and flight handling, so that meant no major changes to the external shape.

The new PC-24 model.

PC-24 gains range, payload, and optional divan bed

The payload increase was achieved by refining both wing and fuselage structural elements to reduce the airframe empty weight while simultaneously increasing the maximum gross take-off weight limit.

11/04/2022Press Release:
Pilatus ends 2021 financial year flying high
06/07/2021Press Release:
Extensive list of new features for the Pilatus PC-24 Super Versatile Jet
The Pilatus team celebrate an important milestone.

Pilatus delivers PC-24 number one hundred

Investment in the PC-24 has helped Pilatus to secure jobs at its Swiss site on a long-term basis. It is also working on further optimisations to ensure the order book remains buoyant.

Showing the most recent five of 19 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.