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Embraer E-Jet 170/190 series | Engines | Pratt & Whitney Large Commercial Engines

18/07/2022Press Release:
GTF fleet has saved more than 800 million gallons of fuel and more than eight million metric tons of carbon emissions to date
Pratt & Whitney GTF Advantage engine certification testing begins
The Embraer E195-E2 powered by Pratt & Whitney GTF engines.

Embraer's E195-E2 passes muster with 100% SAF

The SAF used was 100% Hydroprocessed Esters and Fatty Acids Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosine (HEFA-SPK) acquired from World Energy. HEFA-SPK is a specific type of hydrotreated renewable feedstock fuel.

18/02/2019Press Release:
Pratt & Whitney delivers GTF PW1900G production engines for Embraer E195-E2 program
05/03/2018Press Release:
Pratt & Whitney celebrates Embraer E190-E2 aircraft certification from ANAC, FAA and EASA
29/01/2018Press Release:
Embraer receives delivery of first Pratt & Whitney Geared Turbofan powered production engines for E190-E2 program

Showing the most recent five of 14 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.