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Boeing T-7A Red Hawk | Airframer | Saab Aerosystems

01/10/2021Press Release:
The T-7A Red Hawk is an advanced pilot training system designed for the U.S. Air Force to train combat pilots. (Photo: Saab)
Saab delivers for the T-7A flight test program
Boeing T-7A Red Hawk aircraft mechanic Will Helton examines the surface of the first spliced advanced trainer being produced in St. Louis as part of the U.S. Air Force contract for 351 of the new jets. (Photo: Randy Jackson)

Boeing completes first production digital splice of Red Hawk

It took just half an hour to join the front and aft sections of the T-7A trainer, with a 98% reduction in drilling defects. The latest digital techniques are delivering an improvement of 50% in production quality.

21/01/2020Press Release:
Saab starts production in support of U.S. Air Force T-7A programme
18/10/2018Press Release:
Two Boeing T-X jets.
Saab receives order from Boeing for the Advanced Pilot Training Aircraft T-X
28/09/2018Press Release:
The U.S. Air Force has selected the Boeing T-X advanced pilot training system which features an all-new aircraft designed, developed and flight-tested by the team of Boeing and Saab.
Boeing wins U.S. Air Force T-X pilot training program contract

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