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Rolls-Royce Spirit of Innovation | Airframer | Rolls-Royce ACCEL

19/11/2021Press Release:
The ‘Spirit of Innovation’ is part of the ACCEL or ‘Accelerating the Electrification of Flight’ project. (Photo: Rolls-Royce)
'Spirit of Innovation' stakes claim to be the world's fastest all-electric vehicle
15/09/2021Press Release:
The electric ‘Spirit of Innovation’ aircraft took off from the UK Ministry of Defence’s Boscombe Down site and flew for approximately 15 minutes. (Photo: Rolls-Royce)
Rolls-Royce's all-electric 'Spirit of Innovation' takes to the skies for the first time
ACCEL, the world’s fastest electric-powered aeroplane.

Speedy electric Spirit of Innovation taxis out

Rolls-Royce expects its Spirit of Innovation to break world electric flight speed records, flying at over 300mph. Its power system is likely to land the company a central role in future UAM programs.

24/09/2020Press Release:
Rolls-Royce ACCEL has completed ground testing of the ACCEL ‘ionbird'. (Photos: Rolls-Royce)
Rolls-Royce completes ground-testing of technology set to power the world's fastest all-electric plane
19/12/2019Press Release:
Rolls-Royce unveils all-electric plane targeting the record books

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