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Northrop Grumman E-2D Advanced Hawkeye

21/05/2024Press Release:
Air Industries Group receives order of $2.4 million for landing gear used on the E-2C Hawkeye
The E-2D aircraft's tail hook.

Specialist welding equipment secures E-2D capability for AI

Welding complements the vertical integration of other processes such as painting, which Air Industries has recently brought in-house, in a strategy designed to shorten production times and reduce costs.


AIG provides arresting gear components for E-2D and F-35

Orders come from a long-time US customer of Air Industries Group, which manufactures these flight safety components, and from a new European customer working on the CV and CTOL versions of the F-35.

06/09/2022Press Release:
Boeing demonstrates open autonomy architecture for manned-unmanned teaming with MQ-25
07/02/2022Press Release:
Air Industries Group receives $12.4 million order for complete landing gear for the US Navy, E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, airborne early warning aircraft

Showing the most recent five of 29 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.