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Skydweller Solar Impulse 2 (SI2)

04/04/2024Press Release:
Skydweller Aero completes world's first successful unmanned/uncrewed flight of large scale solar-powered aircraft in the United States
Skydweller has successfully demonstrated aircraft autonomy and guidance, navigation and control systems during a series of flight tests.

Skydweller completes closed loop flight demonstrations

Skydweller Aero has completed a series of demonstration flight tests for its aircraft control and waypoint navigation system. Various takeoff and landing sensors were installed and evaluated.


Solar Impulse 2 progresses towards autonomous flight

A recent flight from Spain saw Skydweller's development aircraft rise to an altitude of 16,000ft. Aircraft control, actuation and sensor technology systems have been tested, and fully autonomous testing is next.

17/12/2020Press Release:
Skydweller's plane takes off.
Skydweller Aero Inc. achieves its test flight successfully
19/04/2020Press Release:
Skydweller aircraft ascends at sunrise for flight test. (Photo: Skydweller)
Skydweller Aero Inc. validates initial flight hardware and autopilot software

Showing the most recent five of 33 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.