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Gulfstream G650

26/09/2022Press Release:
Rolls-Royce delivers 1,000th BR725 engine to Gulfstream
26/09/2022Press Release:
Gulfstream delivers 500th aircraft in G650 family
21/07/2021Press Release:
Inmarsat Jet ConneX in-flight connectivity platform is available for all in-production, large-cabin aircraft. (Photo: Gulfstream Aerospace)
Gulfstream exceeds 500 in-flight connectivity service installations
04/12/2020Press Release:
Turkish Aerospace continues to produce structural components for Gulfstream and Leonardo.
Turkish Aerospace continues to deliver critical components

Triumph divests G650 works package back to Gulfstream

The production line for the wings of the G650 was moved to Gulfstream's home in Savannah last year, and now Triumph has agreed to sell the related supply chain activities to the airframer.

Showing the most recent five of 101 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.