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Boeing T-7A Red Hawk


IS&S receives contract for military MFD and Mission Computers

This marks the latest OEM contract for IS&S building on existing OEM programs with Pilatus Aircraft for the PC-24, Textron for the King Air 260/360, and Boeing for the KC-46A, KC-767A and the T-7A.

17/07/2024Press Release:
Triumph awarded F404 Auxiliary Gearbox from GE Aerospace
T-7A APT-3 completed the climate chamber testing with the U.S. Air Force and returned to Boeing St. Louis for continued testing.

T-7A Red Hawk passes three key testing milestones

Boeing is also building a new production line for low-rate initial production, aiming to load the first forward and aft fuselages for LRIP mid-year as suppliers are already underway developing parts for production.

13/09/2023Press Release:
Boeing, Red 6 complete first augmented reality test flight
20/06/2023Press Release:
The Boeing T-7A Red Hawk has successfully completed taxi tests, a critical step in verifying the ground-handling capabilities and systems of the advanced trainer for the U.S. Air Force.
Boeing T-7A Red Hawk completes taxi tests

Showing the most recent five of 41 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.