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Alauda Airspeeder Mk4

27/03/2023Press Release:
Airspeeder confirms Intel as intelligence partner
The Mk4 manoeuvres using a unique gimballed thrust system, whereby an Artificial Intelligence (AI) flight controller individually adjusts four rotor pairs mounted on lightweight 3D printed gimbals.

Alauda prepares flying race car for piloted flights

Alauda Aerospace plans to begin flight testing the Mk4 chassis and powertrain, including the first crewed flights of the airframe, in the first quarter of 2023. It will be ready for the Airspeeder Racing Championship in 2024.

04/02/2021Press Release:
World's first electric flying racing car ready to race
21/05/2020Press Release:
The MK4 will be co-developed in the UK and South Australia. (Photo: Airspeeder)
A giant leap forward