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Antonov An-178

20/05/2021Press Release:
The completed assembly of a fuselage of the first of three AN-178 ordered by MoD of Ukraine. (Photo: Antonov)
Antonov completed assembly of a fuselage of the first AN-178 for MoD of Ukraine
Oleksandr Los, president of Antonov Company, presented the completed jig assembly of the AN-178 airframe.

Antonov completes assembly of sixth AN-178

Ukraine's independence day on August 24th saw the symbolic presentation of the latest AN-178 aircraft on the production line, ultimately destined for the government of Peru.

21/05/2020Press Release:
AN-178 for Peru: general assembly of the aircraft's fuselage
15/04/2020Press Release:
Antonov Company continues AN-178 production for Peru
11/03/2020Press Release:
The cargo cabin floor section of the AN-178 aircraft. (Photo: Antonov)
Assembly of the AN-178's cargo cabin floor section has been completed

Showing the most recent five of 6 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.