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Lyte Aviation LA-44 SkyBus

The Hydrogen Electric 40-seater VTOL aircraft by LYTE Aviation, powered and fueled by H3 Dynamics.

LYTE selects H3 Dynamics for hydrogen propulsion for SkyBus

LYTE Aviation chose H3 Dynamics to equip its systems with the most proven and durable systems, backed by solid industry references such as its recent work on an Airbus A330 APU fuel cell.

23/03/2023Press Release:
Artist impressions of LYTE Aviation's SkyBus and SkyTruck hybrid electric eVTOL
LYTE Aviation reveals its 40-seat Hybrid eVTOL – SkyBus and SkyTruck
Freshta Farzam.

Farzam sets out vision for tilt-wing future

The project will be a tandem tilt-wing design, with gearing allowing for forward flight and hover. This simplification means that, subject to funding, a full-scale prototype could be ready within two years.