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Honda HA-480 HondaJet Echelon

15/10/2023Press Release:
Product Family on Display for First Time at 2023 NBAA-BACE: HondaJet Echelon and HondaJet Elite II
Honda Aircraft Company reveals name and key milestones of new light jet: HondaJet Echelon

Longer-range HondaJet will boost Greensboro investment

North Carolina provides a rich talent pool, says Honda, and facilities located right next to the Piedmont Triad International Airport provide an ideal location to develop and produce its new light jet.

22/06/2023Press Release:
Latecoere to design and build composite passenger door for the new HondaJet
The HondaJet 2600 light jet concept.

Honda commits to production of light jet model

Spirit will provide an innovative build-to-print composite fuselage and a composite bonded frame for the new HondaJet 2600, with engineering designs currently being finalised.