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MD 500E/530F


Triumph picks up repeat contract for the MD500

Triumph has supported MD Helicopters for over two decades, producing over 400 gearboxes for this program. The contract for transmissions and transmission spare parts for the MD500 has been extended.

27/04/2023Press Release:
LMS & MD helicopters commit to a 5-year production agreement
08/03/2023Press Release:
GPMS and MD Helicopters snnounced MD 530F factory installation option for Foresight MX HUMS
31/08/2020Press Release:
MD 530F received certification to increase MGTOW to 3,350 lbs. (Photo: MD Helicopters)
MD Helicopters receives certification for MD 530F MGTOW increase to 3,350 pounds
08/05/2020Press Release:
LMS to provide fuel gauging system for MD 500 Series commercial helicopters

Showing the most recent five of 16 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.