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Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano

19/08/2024Press Release:
New Embraer Ozires Silva Entry.
Embraer unveils new entrance gate at Ozires Silva Unit
Celebrating the new agreement.

Chile's ENAER expands cooperation with Embraer

Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, ENAER was an important supplier of structures for the ERJ-135/140/145 family of jets - now its work with Embraer will involve moire aircraft types.

04/05/2023Press Release:
GMV signs memorandum of understanding with Embraer
Four Portuguese aerospace businesses have signed up for more cooperation with Embraer.

Embraer sets the scene for cooperation in Portugal

The main goal of the MoU is the development of the technological and industrial defense base of Portugal, reinforcing its capacity to develop engineering, research and development activities.

12/04/2023Press Release:
A-29 Super Tucano
Embraer launches the A-29N Super Tucano in NATO configuration

Showing the most recent five of 13 news reports/press releases. Take out a paid subscription and log in to access the full list.