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UAS demonstrated at MAKS air show
Friday, 19 August 2011

From 15th to 21st August ZALA AERO GROUP demonstrated its latest development UAS ZALA 421-16E at MAKS airshow in conjunction with manned aviation. ZALA AERO GROUP revealed its latest fixed wing UAS ZALA 421-16E and ZALA 421-04M that were used to monitor the perimeter of the air show at altitude 200-250m. By the end of the event both unmanned systems would have accomplished eight flights each, completing over fifty perimeter laps in total.

During the demonstrations UAS identified hazards and assisted the ground security in monitoring traffic while demonstrating to potential customers the capabilities ZALA 421-16E and the latest plate recognition software released for the new payload ZALA-G3 with x26 optical zoom capability. Building from previous experiences working with UAS at MAKS 2007 and 2009, where UAS ZALA 421-08 and UAS ZALA 421-04M were used to monitor road traffic to the air show in conjunction with MVD proved essential however only this year with access to airspace over the event offered unlimited opportunities to show full capabilities of the both VTOL and fixed wing UAS.

VTOL - UAS ZALA 421-21

During the closed hours VTOL UAS ZALA 421-21 with infrared payload was used by security agency to monitor the exhibits and the inside perimeter of MAKS airshow using the latest version of ZALA 421-21 with increased range of 5km and endurance of 40 minutes at altitude 0-50m. The increased characteristics allowed the ground crew to monitor the 3.5x3km inside perimeter from one location. Total number of flights is unknown.

Successful feedback

Demonstrations were completed with conjunction of a number of interested parties that have expressed their interest in purchasing combined VTOL and fixed wing UAS systems in the near future. Next demonstrations dates have already been preliminary agreed with demonstrations to be held at Sochi in preparation for Winter Olympic Games 2014.

Contact details from our directory:
Zala Aero Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
Zala 421-16