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BAE Systems wins flight test manufacturing & supply chain work on Mitsubishi Regional Jet
Friday, 10 February 2012

BAE Systems has won a new contract from Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation of Japan for the new-generation Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ).This is the third contract awarded by the Japanese company to BAE Systems for the MRJ and the first that takes advantage of BAE Systems' managed solutions offering which combines both its engineering and support business skills.

The new contract builds upon the award announced in September 2010 of an agreement under with BAE Systems Regional Aircraft has provided engineering, development and integration services, related to flight test equipment and systems for the MRJ.

Under that contract BAE Systems has designed a trailing cone system for use in flight test work, a weight and balance control system to simulate flight and loading conditions and an electrical load bank system that simulates the various power systems in the aircraft.

As a result of that work being successfully completed Mitsubishi has now contracted with BAE Systems to arrange for the manufacture of these three separate pieces of equipment using its UK vendor base and managing its supply chain. The company also will supply an operations manual for the equipment.

BAE Systems Regional Aircraft is also, separately, working on providing engineering expertise on a number of work packages for the aircraft which include powerplant, pylon, nacelle, auxiliary power units and fuel systems.

Contact details from our directory:
BAE Systems Regional Aircraft Design Services, Certification Services, Flight Testing
Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation Airframer
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Test Services
Aircraft Operations