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Hartzell selected as propeller provider for GE H80-powered Thrush 510G agricultural aircraft
Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Thrush Aircraft has selected Hartzell Propeller Inc. as the preferred propeller provider on a Thrush aerial applicator powered by GE's H80 engine.

Hartzell has worked closely with Thrush Aircraft to select a propeller that would get the aircraft, with a full hopper, off the ground in the shortest possible distance. The project involved trying several blade designs, blade counts, profiles and diameters to determine the combination that provided optimal low speed performance for the aircraft.

After extensive testing, Thrush selected the 4-blade lightweight turbine series 103" diameter propeller that will be installed on the Thrush 510G when deliveries begin in the next few months. With a hopper capacity of 510 gallons, a gross weight of 10,500 pounds, and the flat-rated 800-shp H80 engine on the nose, the improved Thrush 510G is designed for superior performance for agricultural operations.

Payne Hughes, president of Thrush Aircraft said, "We selected Hartzell because of the company's history of providing quality products covering the entire Thrush product line. Also, Hartzell's presence as the predominant provider of propeller systems in the agriculture market ensures that international operators can receive support and service for this propeller at their local overhaul facility."

Hughes added, "Our longstanding partnership with Hartzell is the result of their unparalleled service and willingness to provide extensive engineering support."

Contact details from our directory:
Hartzell Propeller Propeller Spinners, Composite Propellers, Engine Accessories, Metal Propellers, Synchrophasers
Thrush Aircraft, LLC. Airframer
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