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Thrush 510G awarded FAA Type Certification
Wednesday, 10 October 2012

We are proud to announce that the Federal Aviation Administration has issued Type Certification for the new Thrush 510G. This is a major milestone for both Thrush and GE Aviation, as the 510G features the new GE H80 turboprop engine - a first for ag aviation.

Certification was awarded following completion of final flight tests and paperwork review at the company's plant in Albany, Georgia and it marks the culmination of more than two year's work by both Thrush and GE Aviation in concert with the FAA's regional office in Atlanta.

The aircraft has been highly anticipated by our industry, and deliveries of the new 510G have begun immediately to Thrush customers both here in the Unites States and around the world. Certification of the dual cockpit version of the 510G will follow shortly, and we feel certain that both the single and the dual cockpit versions of the 510G will be home runs with customers. We've been gearing up production accordingly - to the highest production rate at the factory in over 30 years.

The certification process was a total team effort at Thrush. From our engineers and quality control department, to our skilled technicians and assembly folks - everyone worked together to bring this tremendous new airplane to market as quickly as possible, while ensuring it meets the high standards we've set for every Thrush aircraft.

We're very proud of this major accomplishment. It's a wonderful affirmation of our commitment to better our industry through innovation and the application of the latest technology.

Contact details from our directory:
Thrush Aircraft, LLC. Airframer
Related aircraft programs:
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