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Safe Flight's AutoPower® certified on new Bombardier Challenger 605
Thursday, 12 October 2006

Safe Flight Instrument Corporation is pleased to announce that AutoPower has attained type certified on the Bombardier Challenger 605 widebody business jet. Bombardier has opted to make AutoPower standard equipment for the next generation Challenger 605 aircraft

Launched in 1956, Safe Flight's automatic throttle system, AutoPower controls the fourth dimension of flight - Speed. From single engine turboprops to jetliners, AutoPower is a full regime system from takeoff to touchdown that can accommodate both FADEC and non-FADEC equipped aircraft. AutoPower technology has been certified on 40 different aircraft types and has been installed on more than 9,000 aircraft.

The Challenger 605 will be the fourth of Bombardier's line of aircraft to offer AutoPower which is currently an option on the Challenger 604, Challenger 850 business jet, and the CRJ200 airliner. Safe Flight's AutoPower is also available on the Gulfstream G200 and the USAF/Boeing RC-135.

Contact details from our directory:
Safe Flight Instrument Corporation Angle of Attack Indicators, Stall Warning Systems, Autothrottle Systems, Wind Shear Warning Systems (Airborne), Onboard Computers, Power Line Detectors
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